Business Directory

Six Points Evaluation and Training, Inc.
Thrift StoresBeddingBicyclesBooksClothing and AccessoriesCommunity OrganizationsFurniture and Home AccessoriesGarden SuppliesGifts and SouvenirsInfant ClothingJewelryKitchen SupplesRetail ShopsShoesSki EquipmentSporting Goods Toys
MON - FRI, 9 AM - 6 PM.
SAT, 10 AM - 3 PM. SUN Closed.
Donations accepted Mon, Wed, Fri & Sat.
Driving Directions:
Six Points is located just off Main St on the north end of Gunnison, right behind the Community Banks building. You can get to us by taking either Spencer Ave or Colorado St East.
About Us
Six Points operates a Thrift Store to support our mission of assisting adults with developmental disabilities and to help provide vocational training for the adults we serve.
The mission of Six Points is to enhance the lives of the people we serve so they may reach their highest potential. The purpose of Six Points is to provide advocacy, assistance, community, education, integration, and training to the people we serve in Gunnison and Hinsdale Counties of Colorado to enhance their well-being, personal dignity, independence, and vocational opportunities. A large part of achieving our mission is the operation of our Thrift Store in which many of our clients work, as well as the extra income it provides to support our mission.
